For a K-Pop enthusiast who was first introduced to Girls’ Generation (SNSD), I thought it’d be fitting to write about SNSD’s comeback video. After all – who wouldn’t like to celebrate and reminisce on some of their highlights while sneaking in a tiny review of my thoughts on this glittery video?
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Reputation: Game of Fame // A Review
I’m sure everyone at some point has fantasised the taste of being famous - randomly belting out songs hoping that you would be scouted by a talent agent (likewise with acting), otherwise train your way for that glorious Olympic dream. Indeed, the glamourous life does have its perks - slightly easier access to the VIP invitations, better quality of life and being a great role model for others.
Offering a taste of that ‘what-if’ lifestyle is Daniela Kresnadi’s tongue-in-cheek Reputation: Game of Fame. Drawing inspiration from the classic life-simulation game Sims’s expansion pack Road to Fame/ Get Famous as well as the pesky but addictive nature of pop-culture gossip, this card game offers two to six players an insight to the ups and downs of celebrity culture.
Read MoreI Thought Architect Barbie Was Just Barbie...
Although it can be argued that because we are rather proud of what we do, it wouldn’t be surprising that many would attack Barbie’s outfit. It may seem harmless, yet it is a reflection on how society (and our industry) views women in architecture. Must she always wear black? Just because she’s wearing a dress and carrying a helmet doesn’t mean that we can assume that it will be her official outfit for a site visit! These comments, initially said with humour can quickly become detrimental if spoken in a professional environment.
Read MoreInstagram : Today's Architecture Duck and the Decorated Shed
Sometimes, I’d like to perceive Instagram as a new version of Venturi and Brown’s Duck and Decorated Shed. As Gordon-Levitt added attention to Instagram is used as a platform to attract attention – the statement is bold enough to be a ‘sign’ for the architecture firm. Let alone it can be argued that the overall profile aesthetic is the inverted shed when the account has posted enough images in a carefully planned manner. Alternatively, we can also say that capturing that one perfect image of the design becomes the Duck for the design firm, and thus we can always associate their name with that image.
Read MoreJust for Laughs: Job Hunting Be Like This Sometimes
In light of my rather glum entry about unemployment, I decided to put a lighter note to this.
After speaking to my mentor on the importance of networking, I illustrated some of my experiences and feelings of job hunting*. Due to the unfortunate events of the market as of late, the competition of finding a job increased, and it’s not making it easier.
Read MoreThe Digital Narrator Of Architecture
The video game industry has and still continues to provide entertainment for many years. Covering many genres like sports, action, strategy and simulation to suit every person. For instance, the classic life-simulation game – The Sims™, has been made popular by its open-ended, no-objective gameplay and free will. The game grants the gamer full control; from fulfilling the whims of their sim (avatar) to the very shape of their nose. This kind of flexibility has attracted many types of players. There are gamers who dream of leading a different life and live vicariously through their sims, there are those who enjoy pushing moral boundaries and those who enthuse and appreciate the design aspect of the game. In this virtual realm, there are no rules, no legal restrictions, no complaining neighbours, and best of all, no budgets!
Read MorePing! Ping! Ping!
Architecture of the Media : When One Issue Unconsciously Buries Another
Comedian Anna Akana’s video ‘You can’t care about everything’ was also ironically released that day, explaining on the issue of compassion fatigue. The timing couldn’t be more perfect when I stumbled across the video in which she explained the overwhelming feeling of the constant broadcasting of crisis and issues happening at every nation. There was a sense of relieve when she consolidated the issues and that it is okay to have your beliefs – so long as we understand and separate ourselves what we want to put value on and work towards it, that’s okay also.
Read MoreHeroine Phenomena V: Hanging On By The Thread of Sanity During Unemployment
How do you stay positive when your positivity and optimism slowly disappears?
Read MoreHow to ask the right questions? Get a non-architect to do so!
Alright, alright, I understand that you need a professional to address the serious questions when it comes to designing architecture - we need to know whether the building can hold itself up well, whether it is structurally sound, and whether it is capable of evacuating people safely in case of a fire…
Read MoreArchitecture for the Homesick 101: We need to talk about your grandparents.
The aging population and how we cater for the aging population is something I question and challenge frequently, especially when knowing how to cater to their physicality as well as mentality. From understanding their level comfort of how far they could walk, how many stairs they could climb, and knowing what materials would be the safest for them to use or touch is challenging however, I feel is rarely talked about. For me personally, is how do you create an environment for individuals to feel that they could still have their sense of pride and acknowledgement of independence?
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