“So what made you decide to study architecture?”
A lot of my friends and strangers I meet seem to dread this question whenever I have nothing else to ask despite wanting to carry on a topic of discussion. In fact it surprises me when they answer me with widened eyes and a gaping mouth while their brains start to panic and search for what deemed to be a reasonable response. “That’s quite a hard question…”, would be the first thing they would say and also an innuendo for asking me to spare them from scrutiny, however, to their dismay I was not going to let them go.
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I picked architecture on a whim when I was forced to make a decision during my second last years in high school. I never knew who Hadid, Foster or even Gehry were before I stepped foot into the world of architecture - rather I went in with a mindset that I was going to create structures and shelters that would allow me to look after people indirectly with my creativity. This ignorant thinking was carried along with me throughout the first semester of my first year of university, and soon it developed into having a desire of wanting to know more ways in shaping and making a difference to the community through architecture.
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If I was facing the five year old me, I would watch her in amazement as she tries to explain to me what was happening amongst the strange arrangement of chairs and cushions, she would point her finger rapidly at the drawing that would make no sense to me while to her it was a map telling us how to navigate through this world full of lava…
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